Brimstone was never conceived with public consumption in mind. This was two regular guys making the kind music they love on terms they could commit to. Drawn towards their mutual appreciation of heavy riffs, melodic vocals and guitar solos, the blueprint was as uncomplicated as the songs themselves – a modern take on 90s-era traditional heavy metal. If it made your foot tap, your head bang and you could sing along, it made the cut.
Their debut offering “Raise a glass” was released in limited quantities to favourable reviews. Metalasfuck.net claiming the album does “more than enough to establish their credentials as the latest in Australia’s production line of high-octane first division hard rock bands”.
The next couple of years was spent playing various gigs around Australia, including a Sebastian Bach (ex-Skid Row) support, with their friends as guests in the live line-up. Following this active period, Brimstone took a break to focus on family and their day jobs, while continuing to work on demoing new material.
By 2019 there was an abundance of ideas to form the next album however before pre-production could be scheduled the whole world entered COVID lock down and froze for the next two years. With recording plans on an indefinite hold, focus was put on finessing the new material in preparation recording once the gates were open and normality returned.
Enter 2022 and with much of the world reopened for business, it was beyond time to get back to the studio.
As with Raise a glass, Brimstone tapped Steve James (Sex Pistols, Screaming Jets, Airbourne) for producing and mixing the new offering. The self-titled sophomore release sees Brimstone expand upon their existing sound without abandoning their mission statement. The feet will tap, the heads will bang, and the riffs and vocals will find their way into that part of your brain that will see you involuntarily recreate them when you least expect.
Brimstone isn’t reinventing the wheel, they focus on the familiar elements of some of your favourite bands that have stopped making the albums you love, because much like you, it’s what they want to hear blasting through the speakers when they press play. Like well-worn jeans and a pair of Converse on your feet, it’s familiar, feels good and just works.